Volume 1, Number 8                                                                                               September 1978

Dear Brethren:

This has been the month for Kathy and me. She turned 29 and I struck 30.
As stated in our September report we acquired the metal house in Chimbu. As a boy growing up I spent many happy hours putting together erector sets. Little did I know at the time but the Lord was even then preparing me for October 1978. This metal house is the biggest erector set I have ever seen. There are no nails in its construction. Everything is bolted together and the masonite walls and floors are pop riveted on. At the first of September working 16-20 hours a day we dismantled the house in 4 days. I just hope that as we begin reconstruction this week I'll remember where everything goes (even though I marked it).

For several weeks during the afternoons I have been feeling like I was coming down with the flu. While working on dismantling the house there were times when we had to work during rain squalls. Well on Saturday afternoon of the Highlands show I went down for the count. I was having a relapse of malaria. I was fortunate though and through treatment was able to be back on my feet by Monday.
Here in Papua New Guinea we have an annual Highlands show attended by people from all over the world. This year the show was here in Goroka and over 120,000 attended. This year was the first time that the church has had a booth within the show. We were squeezed between two booths with number wheels and lucky number envelopes. The people couldn't believe that we were giving away literature. The majority of the materials used were things printed on our press here in Goroka. We gave over 700 BCC out and had numerous contacts with interested individuals.

During the two day show numerous events are staged: sky-divers, greasy pig chase, and hours of traditionally dressed villagers dancing. Wow were they colorful. Since the show was staged on Saturday and Sunday we didn't expect a large turn out for worship, but we were surprised. Our adult to children ratio was far above average and our numbers were up. On one of our bus runs one mother was upset with us. She had wanted to go to the show early Sunday but her children put up such a fuss to come to Bible class she couldn't go to the show the children had come to class and worship. Oh the fantastic love for the word. Pray with us that such zeal will continue in the lives of these children.

Also this month we held another of our village leadership training schools at the village of Yuana. We had over 35 of our village men attending the five days of classes for their building in the faith and also for them to teach back in their place.

Hopefully we will be able to show you some pictures of the house we are building in a future report.

Yours Because of the Cross,

Tobey and Kathy Huff