September 2001

Dear Friends and Brethren

Here it is on the eve of September and I am getting used to not having to get ready to ship a bunch of stuff overseas for another couple of years of missions work. I have gotten used to sleeping in the same bed for several months now and not waking in the middle of the night wondering in whose house we are staying and what state we are in (other than the state of confusion).

I just want to say another great big thank you for those of you who provided the support for the Lord’s work we were able to do for over 27 years. Many of you already know that since coming back to the United States last September I went into partnership with my brother in his woodworking business. We make cabinets, furniture and do remodels and construction. I am really enjoying it and do my best to make the best sawdust out of lumber.

During our years of missionary work we did not pay Social Security nor put funds away for a rainy day, because most days were rainy and the needs we were faced with in the field were multitude and the cost of living high. We had thought by moving back I could get back into SS but being an partner/owner of a business which is marginally profitable (but busy)I have not been able to do so yet. We are trying to build the business up to support both of us, but it may be a struggle for awhile.

One large hurdle we faced upon our return was health insurance. We had a US based policy which cost us $325 overseas but converted to over $750 per month on our return. We tried other policies (even one which was $5,000) deducible) but they all would not insure Kathy because of her past illnesses and past cancer (1985 melanoma). We still owe $1200 for the surgery in January which our policy would not cover. We also owe $430 for an emergency room visit in Alabama when Kathy had a breathing problem, which the insurance company called a pre-existing condition.

Even though Kathy’s health is not 100% she was able to get a job at UMB (United Missouri Bank) as a teller and we now have affordable health insurance. Before this job she worked as a volunteer at a local hospital hoping to get on full-time for health benefits
It seems that day turns to night and night to day and day to night etc etc.We finally closed on our new house and I am busy trying to get dirt on the rocks before they grow too big in the sunshine. You might think I jest but the rocks do grow if exposed to sunlight and air here. We are hoping to find another $9500 (maybe thru home equity) to build an attached garage and workshop so we can get all our stuff out of storage and be able to use it.

I have been busy with the local congregation teaching a Sunday Morning Bible class on Spiritual Giftedness. We concluded it last week with a Ministry fair. The congregation here is getting ready to sell the building and move to a new facility which is not quite completed yet so we are in a transition period. I will be teaching the next two Sunday AM on Matthew chapter 23 and chapter 24.

I am in contact by email with Papua New Guinea and still send monthly support to Yusi and Marika Miopa which is provided by some of you.

Thank You! We are also in contact with Josua and Anna in Fiji where the proposed school is still needed and Josua is building facilities for the new congregation there in Nadi. They had a new baby boy earlier this year. We have heard nothing from Vanuatu except the minister of Parliament who tried to get me deported was put in jail for a long term for stealing public monies.

Hopefully I can make a trip back to Fiji and Vanuatu sometime early next year. Thank you for your interest in our welfare and your prayers.

Tobey & Kathy Huff