Dear Brethren:
Another month has again passed. Time slips by never to return.
Last month I reported of some 60 people who had died here of flu. The final count of known deaths was 650. At present the epidemic is on the wane.
Oct.14-18 our family joined with the Joe Cannon and Ray Lock with 32 of their school boys from Lae on a campaign. We went into the Enga District of the Highlands to Waipi which is 200 miles from Goroka and 90 miles north of Mt. Hagen. This was Kathy's first bush campaign my third. We held worship every evening and every morning. The final results were: 36 baptisms, 2,465 people attended our services and 4,000 miles traveled. Praise God for receptive hearts !!! Two of the school boys remained in Enga to follow-up in teaching and grounding our new brethren in the truth.
The week following the campaign Andy Scott, John Wallace and I held a village workshop at Watabung (Andy's house). John taught on the Christian home and I taught on the rudiments of worship. Forty men attended our morning and afternoon sessions.
All of us were strengthened one built up by the fellowship. These brethren finally met with each from their various clans. Truly we are made one in Christ
On Oct. 11th council Dum from Sina-Sina (my area of work) was killed when a truck in which he was riding turned over and killed him. He was not a Christian. A meeting was held between the two lines (clans) involved, council's clan and the driver's clan. "Pay Back" was demanded from the council's clan and the driver's clan agreed to the burning of six of their houses as "pay back" of their line having killed someone of another line (even though accidental). One PROBLEM - one of the houses burned had $6500. hidden In the wall which went up in smoke. This really touched off war. For four days over 3,000 warriors battled with spears bows and arrows, burning gardens, trees and 46 houses. The police finally contained It but not before 2 more people were killed. 450 man were arrested and charged with "carrying weapons In a war area." This whole battle was carried on between and along the road to Bima Piau where we have a congregation of the Lord's people and where we go every other week to preach. Thankfully none of the Christians were Involved or Injured though two were arrested with their bows and arrows. They both received 4 months In the kalabus (jail).
We have here the classic example of the thinking and reaction of these people. If things go bad they just go to tribal war. After this incident two clans In the Enga District (where we had our campaign) went to war and killed 6 people before it was brought under control. The situation here reminds one of the history of the Old West in America, the only difference being they carry bows and arrows here instead of guns.
Due to the love and sacrifice of the brethren at Rockwall Texas we were able to purchase a truck which we are now overhauling and converting into a bus for the work here In Goroka. This will enable us to expand and strengthen both the English and the Pidgin work here In town.
During the part two months we have been experiencing locust plagues between Lae and Goroka. They are down In the Markham Valley where most of the grains of Papua New Guinea are grown. The government says the worst is yet to come. The last time we went to Lae we went through 5 swarms of these locust. It kind of gives one a better understanding of Exodus and the time Joel spoke of locust.
Many of you have expressed a desire to help us In our need of children's clothing but have none to send. We have found a wholesaler here who will sell us children's clothing very cheaply (they are very good quality though). We are able to buy I do-. pullover shirts for about $3. and a dozen shorts for $3. So if you still would like to help and will to take advantage of these bargains (everyone likes bargains) send your funds marked "children's cloths" and we will be able to fulfill both your desire to help and our need of clothes. Thank you !
We need your continued prayer as we continue to labor here in the heart of Satan's territory. We would like to request special prayers that the Lord would provide a house for us In Chuave (35 miles west of Goroka) so that we might move there in January and work fulltime with our brethren in the Sina Sina area. Also would you please continue to pray that the Lord might raise up individuals and congregations to meet our need for a four wheel drive vehicle. Without this vehicle It will be impossible to move to Chauve because of the road conditions.
If you or your congregation can help in any way (no matter how small you may think it is) please do !
May the Lord be with you until we next report.
Your In the Master's service
The Huffs