November-December 1990

Dear Brethren & Friends;

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

This newsletter is the last for this year. Where has the time gone?

'Tis the season for family reunions and sharing with friends who we haven't seen for some time. May your holiday season be joyful and full of cheer. We thank our heavenly Father for your support both financial and prayerful which encourages us and makes it possible for those in darkness to walk in The Light.

As mentioned last month the World Bible School has really taken off in Vanuatu. Because of this great opportunity we have undertaken to get the Mesa family to Vanuatu in early January. We have sent out requests and even though we don't have all the funds needed to follow through with the plan we are stepping out in faith. This faith is that funds will come through as the request is considered in light of this great opportunity. Please respond as soon as possible to be part of this unique outreach.

The weather here is turning into summer just as yours is turning into winter. We receive CNN on a local Sky Network Cable. This allows us to keep a bit informed about happenings around the USA and the weather.

Because of this when CNN talked about sleet, ice and snow for Missouri and Arkansas for Saturday and Sunday before Christmas we called back to Joplin and asked that Terasa not drive at night from Harding but wait until daylight. My father in law, Rusty Haynes, had already called her and told her not to try night driving.

But it was a shock to get a call Sunday afternoon (our time, Saturday morning your time) from a very shaken Terasa. She hit black ice 14 miles out of Searcy, spinning the car around several times, straight across the oncoming lane of traffic (of which there was none) and 30 yards into a roadside pond. She was able to roll down the window and swim out of the car before it settled in the water. A couple in a car following stopped and assisted as well as a traffic policeman who was just up the road attending another accident and who saw the whole thing happen. He reckoned she should get 8 out of 10 for the maneuver.

She was taken to some friends house close by to dry out and warm up. Later she went back after the wreckers retrieved the car and got her gear out so she could dry it out. The car was a wipe off. She was bruised from the battering.

The next day she waited in vain for a bus out of Little Rock so she spent the night at the Hilton. She finally arrived in Joplin early Christmas morning. She said the first thing she thought of when the car finally settled in the water was "boy is Dad going to be upset." The most upsetting thing is that we cannot hold and hug our loved ones when something like this happens. The Lord really looks after us doesn't He! Many years ago we gave our children over to the Lord and He really knows how to look after them. Thank Him with us!

Jason took his S.A.T. this past month in Auckland. I took him up and on the way back we finally saw a Wendy's Hamburger place. We of course had to turn around at the next off ramp (3 miles) and go back and CHECK THIS OUT. Which we did and they were good! Maybe they will home deliver - 180 miles to Tauranga. Jason finished High School this month. He win be attending The South Pacific Bible College and working part time at Foodtown. He has been working at Foodtown for several months now, behind the butcher counter. Jason is planning on attending Harding in the fall session.

Now is gets intriguing. With Jason planning on attending Harding in the fall, Terasa graduating from Harding in the fall and getting married then (oh, did I forget to mention the marriage plans?), it looks as if we will be coming back to the States sometime in July for a couple of months. We need the time to visit with our sponsoring congregation, report to our supporters, get Jason ready for school and check out the future in-laws (oh, did I forget to mention the bride price of 10 head of cattle).

Thank you for your prayers and financial support over the past year.

God will bless you!

In Christ,

the Huffs