Volume 6: NO.12                                                                                          DECEMBER 1983

Dear Brethren;


Wow! How time flies. Just yesterday it was the day before today.

What has really made the time fly by is being busy. Due to the many requests for funds that we have made on you in the past year I have been building at Jason's school to help toward his $1800. school fee for next year. It was 161 x 801 and up on steel poles 81 off the ground. It took the contractors 3 1/2 weeks to put the poles in. Jab and I erected and finished the building in 25 working days. (How many days before it falls you said ?- that's not a very nice insinuation.) The building was a addition to existing classrooms for the 5/6 grade classes.

As well as doing construction for Jason's school I will probably be doing some for Terasa's school as well. Since we have been back Terasa has been doing her American correspondence at home in the mornings and spending the afternoons with the others kids on High School correspondence at the International High School. The reason she doesn't go there all the time is because they do not supervise the American High School correspondence course. But, the board agreed in a recent meeting to include the American course along with the Australian. This will allow Terasa to go there full-time. This also is an answer to our prayers. As Jason will finish the 6th-grade when we are due to return on leave next time this now means that we cap remain here in the work as the kids will have schooling here. We had thought that we might have to remain back in the States to allow the kids to finish their schooling.

There are also giants in the land today. Very few but we do have them. Very few of our brethren can be said to have spent over 30 years in foreign mission work. Of this small number are counted Joe and Rosabelle Cannon. The Cannons were the pioneer missionaries for the church of Christ here in Papua New Guinea in 1971. They stayed with us for a few days while on their way back to Mt. Hagen to pack up their household goods to ship back to Memphis. The Cannons were missionaries on Okinawa when I was converted while serving with the USAF. It was through their influence and love that Kathy and I decided to come and work here in PNG.

Joe and Rosabelle are going to share some of their 36 years of mission experience with others. They are working with the Highland Street church of Christ elders in Memphis Tn. in a program called "MISSION-1000".

The purpose of Mission-1000 is:
1. To provide more manpower for the mission fields of the world by recruiting people to be paramissionaries.
2. To do this by Promotional and Recruitment activities that will create interest in, commitment to, and preparation for world evangelism.
3. To provide an advisory service. Some of those recruited will be processed by us into existing training facilities already provided by the brotherhood.
4. Others will benefit from the Basic Training Program and be processed into the harvest fields.

a. These brethren will be relatively older and mature people who will be prepared to serve in existing mission locations in supportive roles as paramissionaries.
b. Their training will focus primarily upon attitudes of mind and spirit that will help then function well in the fields they go to, and provide a general orientation as to the nature of mission work.
5. To provide a way for many Christians to get into missionary work where they can perform valuable services in various countries for various periods of time. We have reason to believe that the Highland St. church can recruit, process and train 1000 workers over the next 20 years, and render an outstanding contribution to saving the lost of the world.

For more information contact:
MEMPHIS, TN. 38111
Courses are scheduled to run:
March 5 - May 25, 1983
Sept. 10 - Nov. 30, 1984

During the months of October and November we had 15 restorations and 1 baptism here in Goroka. Sunday attendance has climbed from an avg. of 52 to 85. Thursday attendance is 90. Our Thursday night worship has had problems due to the rains. It seems that just as the bus goes around to pick up, the heaviest downpours occur, needless to say few leave a dry house to board in the rain. We have also had a problem with assaults and rape in the evening hours. These occur against both blacks and whites.

Again this month we received over 20 inches of rain. My tomatoes are rotting on the vine. Remember in my last report I said Jab's duck likes the rain? It was stolen one night along with three of our chickens.

Boxes of goodies arrived this month from Bovina, Tx., Jeffersonville, In., and Joplin. They were filled with jello, puddings. crisco, brown sugar and much assorted junk (yummy) food. The Twinkies had green (mold) icing, the ding-dongs were flatter than pancakes (the crisco didn't help the taco shells either). On top of that several stores in Lae got in shipments of food items from the States.

Very mild month: 38,500 copies. Still no paper. It is in country it just hasn't cleared customs yet.

Some of you are aware by now that we have bought a video and TV. We have the VHS system. We just got the tapes of the World Series and I should be able to tell you next week how that turned out. If you have such a system and would like to send us tapes from time to time of TV specials, sports, regular programs (muppets, Hart to Hart, Rem Stl., etc.) or Bible tapes it would be appreciated. We do not have live TV here. It would be best to sent the tapes I at a time. That way they can be sent Air Mail at the special 1 # rate. The tapes are also less likely to be scrutinized as closely by customs. If you want to sent surface mail you can sent them in groups of more than 1 but please do not insure either the AirMail or the surface tapes. If we have to pay customs it now costs, $13.00 per tape. They are considered luxury items.
Willie Franklin has returned and a wife, Pam. Nice to have them in the program. They are living and working in Lae. They plan to stay for two years.

Our dog Princess had pups, three survived. We have a new small girl(? ) tree kangaroo to go with our large male. We call it "Maybe," it might be a girl or it might be a boy. Time will tell.

The Lae flood relief continues with the building of housing for those who lost their homes in the flood. More next report.

Thank You for your prayers and support.

the Huffs