May-June 1991

Dear Brethren and Friends;

Kathy and Jason will be arriving in Tulsa July 5th. They will spend the 4th in Hawaii. Jason is going to Green Valley Bible camp for a week with the youth from Joplin Mo the following week. I will be arriving back in Tulsa July 19th. These two weeks will give Kathy time with her parents, brothers and sisters before I get back. Because I have a company to operate here there is a limited time I can be gone. I am only going to be back there for two months and therefore we will have to hit the road as soon as I get there.

The only definite commitments are: Aug 16th and 17th we should be in Searcy Ark. Terasa graduates the 16th and gets married the 17th. Jason will be starting at Harding University in late August.

Over the past years, as many of you are aware, we have lost the majority of our monthly personal support. Kathy has been the secretary for the South Pacific Bible College for the past five years which has supplemented my income from the printshop. The support we have received and continue to receive from you brethren has been directed to the work fund for the outreach needs in the South Pacific, i.e.; Jab Mesa family, travel and support, Bible Correspondence courses, Bibles, travel and work in PNG, Fiji and Vanuatu.

Many of you know from experience that trying to own and operate ones' own small business is very time consuming and not the gold mine venture that many envision it to be. My experience has shown that one reaches a level of growth that requires more time and energy input than you as an individual can handle and you either cut back and stagnate or hire more personnel which then cuts your profit back to minimum again. With my printshop I am now employing three people.

This month has shown I need another worker because my time is just booked up solid 27 hours a day. While trying to balance the printshop and the WBS work I have just run out of time each day. See, in addition to operating the printshop I also do the accounts which means keeping records for the government, paying withholding income tax, sales tax, government accident compensation tax, accounts payable, accounts receivable Most nights I come home, eat dinner and spend the rest of the evening in my office with the WBS courses, South Pacific correspondence and working on new Bible courses.

Kathy and I have decided that I need her help in the business and the WBS work. This will mean a loss of $800 per month she now receives from her current job. We are praying that this support will be made up from additional support from the States and more from the business. She will be working in the shop after we get back in September from there. She will be doing the accounts as well as the WBS courses from PNG and typing correspondence and new Bible courses and tracts for the South Pacific outreach work.

This past month the printshop has been tremendously busy. We have re-printed a Loyd Bixler course and three tracts for Fiji. We are preparing to re-print the Pidgin Song book from Papua New Guinea. With additional songs added the new book will have over 200 pages. While back in the States the shop here will be operated and overlooked by my current employees.

As for our finances during July-September it will be pretty tight as of right now. With Kathy not working we will be losing $800 per month for those 2 1/2 months. Our tickets are $3400. Special full coverage medical insurance is $450. As for transport while there, unless someone allows us use of a car we will have to rent/lease one while there. Funds from the printshop are not sufficient at present to provide more then rent on our house here while we are back there reporting. As in the past, we have faith that the Lord will provide as He always has.

We are looking forward to renewing fellowship. Because of limited speaking times if anyone wants us to come and talk they need to make it known AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

The work in Vanuatu continues with the Mesa family returning to Papua New Guinea. The final three weeks in Vanuatu Jab and Becky lived and worked out in Eton with the brethren. The Presbyterians got mad that everyone was studying the Bible every night and called a general meeting. Jab was charged with being an outsider splitting the Eton people. Jab stood up in his defense and the brethren also spoke out. Many people saw the truth that night. They sang hymns and studied until 2 am. The final night at Eton the brethren killed a calf in appreciation. Seven more people were baptized that night. Among the seven was Bro Eddy's wife Netty. She has been a strong Presbyterian when Jab arrived. When she saw that he was there to serve and not lord it over them she and numerous others started attending all classes. Jab and Becky helped gather the Christians in Port Vila together and the first church gathering since 1981 in Port Vila is now a regular practice. They are meeting as the Malapoa College video hall. The Eton brethren have put together a 5/10 year plan. A major part of the plan is the training of two men here at the South Pacific Bible College next year. The Eton brethren are putting a goodly amount toward the airfares and will providing some monthly support. While we are back we are going to try and raise monthly funds enough to support them for the two years here in school. They can then go back and further ground the brethren in Vanuatu.

The Mesa's are back in PNG and Jab will be teaching in the Melanesian Bible School in Lae. He plans to take up the WBS follow-up again around the Lae area. Please pray for them as they readjust to PNG living. Abraham is still out of school. We are STILL getting requests for the WBS courses from the original newspaper ad placed in 1989. Kevin Dye in Port Moresby is really giving a push for the courses there as well. Please continue your prayers for the current WBS students as they continue their studies of the Word.

If you wish to contact us for us to talk about the Lord's work here in the South Pacific and our needs you may do so several ways:
Our address here in New Zealand
Our sponsor in Lebanon Tenn, c/ Ken Beck (615) 449-0283
3113 Martin Dr, Joplin Mo (417) 624-4016

Please pray for:
-Our financial needs and our travels as we begin the long trip back;
-Computer equipment (Apple MAC, Laser printer, for WBS work);
-Terasa's upcoming graduation (she made the Dean's list again and is carrying a 3.74 CUMGPA) and marriage;
- Jason's enrollment at Harding;
-support for Vanuatu students at Bible College here.

Until we see you there God be with you.

In Christ,

the Huffs