Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord, Jesus!

After many , many months of labor the Concordance on the Pidgin New Testament is completed. Over 200 copies have been sold so far. We printed 1500. It has 546 pages and is spiral bound. For those who think now I will have more time for other things, read further in this report.

During this last month we had Sombo Dowara from the Wau congregation preach our 5 day GUTNIUS (Goodnews) MITING (Meeting). We rejoiced with seven (7) new souls added to the Kingdom. All seven had been attending for some time and had studied previously.
Jab and Rebecca Mesa had gone over to Becky's home place in April and brought back her sister to help watch after their baby while Jab & Becky both work. Becky's whole family is 7-Day Adventist. When they started to come back Becky's father told Judith (her sister) that "If you join that other mission then don't ever come back here again." During the meeting Judith decided following the Lord was worth more than family ties. She had been reading some tracts and saw that what the 7-Day teach and what the Bible teach were two different things. Pray with us for them all

Last month we reported that David Lock had to return to Canada for medical reasons. The doctors have him on treatment which will keep him back there for a year. We are thankful he is getting better

Each year around this time we like to show you what we pay for some of the things which we use over here. The New Guinea Kina has dropped in value this year against the US dollar and is now worth 71¢ on the Kina. Last year the value was 67¢ per Kina.

Jelly beans cost me over $2.50 per pound. Whoa is we uns!
This year inflation has been kinder on us and with the American dollar being stronger on the world market we haven't had to curtail quite as many activities as we did last year.

During May the Eastern Highlands Government, of which Goroka is the capital, introduced sales tax. The premier (leader) had been to the states and saw the revenue generated by sales tax and introduced it here. Instead of adding the 3% on the total all the stores just marked up all their stock by 7% (4% to cover administrative costs). The people here went bananas. They had a protest march and the people were told to bring bags to carry goods out of the stores that stayed open. Needless to say, all the stores buttoned up for the day. Things have quieted down a bit but feelings are still running high against the move. These are the same people who throw away 75-$1.50 for lottery tickets.

This is our year of the election. We have them every 5 years to elect our parliament members and such. The garbage flies over here just like it does over there. The current deputy Prime Minister just this week gave out over 3000 cases of beer "in appreciation." Last month two candidates running for the same seat in give aways: one gave a party for 10,000 people with beer and vegetables, while the other cooked up 10 whole steers for 5-8,000. If nothing else the people are getting a lot of things. This same deputy Prime Minister has been giving out unsigned checks for $75-125 , which he will sign IF he is re-elected.


Jab (who I am training to take over next year) was on vacation from his company and worked very hard for two weeks, collating and cutting several of these books.

We still have 63,500 pages of a Pidgin periodical to complete, 30,000 flyers to prepare for the Willie Franklin campaign in July, reprint 4 class book series for our Bible classes, and over 50,000 tracts to be run front and back with black ink.

The collator has been really put to use with these books but we still owe $2,000. for it. The paper we used we still owe $2,100 on. We have faith that the Lord will provide, but the companies don't.

This month we lost another of our missionary personal. Tom Bunt lost control of his arms and had to fly back to Australia for medical treatment. Tom and Rens Bunt came from Perth Australia where Tom had served as an elder in the church there. They have been working with the church in Wau and have just recently completed a building for worship. Pray with us for Tom and Rens. They were scheduled to go on leave the middle of this year.

The printing also needs your prayers and help.

Believe it or not Kathy dragged me out of the print room last week and I shot a 41 on the golf course front nine.

We appreciate your support and prayers.

the Huffs