May 31, 2016
rainy and humid

Dearest Friends and family

We are back in the USA! However we had excitement when we got into the truck to go to Port Vila to catch our flights. We had no brakes - I had them three days before but not then. I put fluid in the master cylinder but did not have time to bleed the brakes. I could not see anyplace where there was a major leak so we took the truck to town. I had a liiiiiiittttttttttle brake petal but tried not to use it too much and used the hand brake and down shifted. Goman took it back to the house. Always fun!!!!!!!

We did back fine. Kathy had a doctor certificate with her foot so she was wheel-chaired from plane to plane and through customs. We decided one of needed a doctor's certificate anytime we fly.

We went to Alabama for Harrison's graduation. We had dinner at the place where he works before the graduation and took pictures.

Papa and Abu with Harrison Davis

We took Kathy's mum with us, she is 89 years old. Jason and Mel and the kids also went so we had a family picture and lots of fun.

The Davis', the Huff's x 2 and Granny Bonnie Haynes.

#1 - The morning after we got back I walked done to the Enterprise Car rentals because they had reserved a car for us to rent while we are back. They did have a car and they asked for my license and a phone number. I replied "I just got back and have not had time to get somewhere to get a new phone number." They said it was a requirement for have phone number. I replied "I just got back and have not had time nor a vehicle to get a new phone number. What about I just got back don't you understand. I do not have transport!" At the point the manager came out of the office, took my license from the worker and threw it on the counter and said, "we don't need customers like you and you need to leave the building." Which I did and Mel took us to Avis and they rented us a new Kia with less that 600 miles on it for less than Enterprise has ever rented us a car.

#2 - Kathy, my mother in law and I stopped in the Captain D store in Jonesboro Arkansas to eat on the way to Harrison's graduation. We ordered, well tried to order three of the Senior meals. I say tried because the order policy did not set well with me. I tried to no avail to talk to the worker that I only wanted 1 side dish and not two with my fish dinner plate. They would not take my order without a second side. I did not ask for a discount, just no second side.

I ended up paying much more than the $4.99 as I was charged with 2 fish, 1 fry and a drink. I usually drink water and the $1.79 for the drink was wasted.

That night I sent a complaint to the head office. The next morning I got a call from the manager of Jonesboro store and asked what the problem was. I tried to explain it to her and her response was, "when a dinner plate has 2 sides we have to give two sides or that will mess up our inventory in the kitchen". ARE YOU KIDDING ME - a scoop of beans or corn would mess up their inventory!!!!!! How do you inventory an extra scoop of beans? It did not mind to her that food was being thrown away because some people did not want two sides.

So it looks as if I don't fit in American culture much! Go figure!

Our plan was to return to Vanuatu June 15 but.......

Kathy was not felling very well Thursday night May 27th after having pre work for cataract surgery for June 1st which had been recommended when she tried to get her eye glasses changed. Then we spent 6 hours in ER Friday May 26th - the final word THEN was she DID NOT have a stroke as there were no enzymes present in her blood. So we went home without further tests because all we have is Medicare.
We went to Bible classes Sunday but she had to leave because she was felling nauseous. So she went to the doctor Tuesday (while I had to go to the VA appointments) and they said she DID have a (mini stroke), transient ischemic attack or TIA.

They have put her on 4 prescriptions which include two blood pressure meds and a cholesterol med. Also a med for severe anxiety Plus baby aspirin.

The doctor has scheduled an MRI, a sonogram and other tests the soonest day they could, June 15th.

She was to have cataract surgery on both eyes but after further consultation has decided she really doesn't need cataract surgery at this time. (This was after I heard the doctor at the eyeglass business possibly gets kick-backs from the eye institute who Kathy was referred to.

My trip to the VA was OK. I came home with a whole sack of medicines. I do not have to have cataract surgery at this time and they are providing new glasses. We are updating my records to reflect the thinking that the VA needs to boost my disability due to the ongoing complication from my prostate surgery. My primary care team has requested an urology consult in Fayetteville but the last trip, year before last, they wanted to do surgery and put in a permanent catheter with a bag which we said, NO THANKS!

We are pushing for an increase in disability to reflect three other problems related to agent orange exposure (which they acknowledge): chronic kidney disease (stage 3), autoimmune disease and Hasimoto's thyroiditis. May God hear our plea!

So we will be delaying our return to Vanuatu at this time until July 13th.

So whoever it was who wanted to see us but were afraid we would leave before you could, the Lord heard your prayer and we had a few more days to see people and places.

We are still looking for additional monthly support - personal and for the running of the Bible School. If you can help please do and especially remember us in your prayers - thank you!

God is good!!!!!!!!!

Onward and upward!
We especially want to thank all of you so much for praying for us, supporting us and have contributed to our needs so we can do what we are doing. God bless you! Thank you for your prayers and fellowship!

Thank you Lord for healing and providing what we need!

Grace & Peace

Tobey & Kathy Huff

Tobey's USA Phone (417) 365-6628.




June 4, 2016

For all our non facebook friends: After the last report Kathy had to go to the hospital again. This time staying two nights. She was at the mall Thursday with Mel, Terasa and Granny and all the kids when I got a call she was having numbness again. So I picked her up and took her to the hospital.

The neurologist came Friday said the MRI and the other tests have shown no abnormalities (other than slight aging changes). The doctor wants her to remain another night to monitor blood pressure and said she should be released Saturday morning. She had an ECG on her heart to rule out clots or others problems there and it came back, "as a picture of a beautiful heart", her doctor said. High BP could have been brought on by stress and can be controlled with less stress and BP medication in the future. The high BP with thinning blood vessels to the brain probably caused the symptoms which are like having a stroke or TIA. NO STROKE, NO TIAs!!!!!!!

So we are back at Jason's house resting. I spent both nights with her. They sent us home or they would have had to give me a personal parking place.
I have be summoned to the VA in Fayetteville this next Wednesday for three appointments with the urology department there. This is an answer to prayer as I and been told that they probably could not see me for 4-6 months.

Thank you for your prayers - God hears!


Contributions for the Huffs, the Bible school, the Scholorship fund and/or cyclone/drought relief can be sent to:
Huffs/Bible School
c/ Mt Hope church of Christ
2830 Mt Hope Rd
Webb City MO 64870

Jason Huff
2730 E 24th St
Joplin MO  64804

(417) 396-9122