March-April 1991

Dear Brethren and Friends;

Wow! So much has happened since our last chat. The Lord has been very gracious and except for a week with strep throat early in April I am enjoying excellent health. Kathy and Jason are fit and sassy as always. Hang on to your socks here we gooooooooo ........

The local airlines had a special to Vanuatu, so Jason 4 1 made a quick trip to Port Vila the first weekend in March. We needed to touch base with the Mesas, take some printed material and communicate with the brethren at Eton Village.

The Mesa's movements were under strict watch of the council of churches in regard to their preaching and teaching since their arrival in Vanuatu. Meeting with the Christian fellowship group who said they want to return to the N.T. church pattern was not of much success. The group has a strong tie with the Alliance churches of Australia. Jab finally thought the best alternative at the present time would be to issue them with tracts which they can keep and read. By the time Jason and I arrived his teaching with the group has come to a rather abrupt stop. After several classes (which they had asked him to teach) the group members just didn't show up for classes.

I had called Jab with information about a group of Christians meeting at Eton Village about 45 kms from Port Vila. He went out and tried to contact the brethren but they were not there so Jab left a message to meet at the local market in town. This they did that week and they were overjoyed to find themselves brethren. We were glad to find that the church had been there for 10 years with 13 Christians who meet very Sunday.

When Jason and I arrived we were met by a very jubilant Mesa family. We spent the morning and afternoon catching up on who's who and what's what. Jason and Jab played on the catamaran and wave runner at the hotel while the boys played on the beach in the water. Becky and I sat and watched and talked.

The next day we went out to Eton Village to visit with the Christians. Jab and I were very excited and the brethren were indeed glad to see us. We spent quite a while there and really had a good visit. The pictures I took of the group were exposed when Jason and I went back through the xray checker on the way home, so no pictures. They informed us that we had fallen into bad company with the Christian fellowship but agreed that by planting seed the group might come around to following the pattern of N.T. Christianity later on. They asked us back for Sunday services and I preached for them.

Since the middle of March, Jab and Becky have lived at Eton village working from there. The congregation has taken a real jump of re-dedication. Two of the main men are Eddie and Morris. They have asked for prayers and have really caught on fire for the Lord.

"I just only could say that the Lord is so wonderful. Becky and I have never been so close after our over filled problems. It has been really challenging for us to overcome so much of Satan's darts. May our Lord be praised. Out here at Eton for almost 3 weeks, the brethren here are making us feel at home. There are about 13 Christians meeting. We had Christians from Pang Pang and Ebau come for worship and last weekend we all from Eton went over to Pang Pang. There's a great change in the lives of many Christians. Bro Eddie, Morris and Eric have changed so much. They said, "only two weeks and they have a different look at their responsibilities.' They added to that the last 10 years they were in neutral gear. Their giving has increased. They say the classes have opened their eyes and they are really gearing up to become more evangelistic. Our first ever men's meeting really got the men to sit down and talk about the Lord's work.

They have a five year plan of which; (1) to send two students to the Bible College in New Zealand (a urgent need and they are discussing how much they'll put into their coming); (2) the church plans to send Eric (Pidgin speaker) to M.B.C. in Lae after the two return from NZ to work with the church; (3) completion of their meeting house.

A 10 year plan is to have a Bible School at Eton to teach and train men to reach out to Efate, Santo, Tanna Islands and the Solomons. When I introduced such ideas the brethren were excited and have been praying that these plans will come in and that they will be mature to support their own workmen. I believe they can. How I wish I could stay on and help. But Lord willing I'll revisit and keep on encouraging them. They are really lovely people with big hearts for the Lord.

Our visitors have really been keen to ask questions and to learn more. Becky is busy with answering questions from the women. She really is doing a fine job. The boys are well and I am keeping busy. It is challenging and my classes are increasing but I know the Lord will give me the wisdom and courage. I need your prayers. May God richly bless you." [Jab]

(EXCITING ISN'T IT !) At present the Mesas are to return to PNG the 20th of May. There are several things happening that might see the Mesas being allowed to remain for a while longer in Vanuatu.) Ed. Please pray with us about this need.

One WBS student, Mary Daro has called three times from Banz PNG and written twice requesting a Bible. I had written the closest missionaries and even tried calling them but could not get their attention. Mary is teaching at a denominational Christian Leadership Training School. She has finished three of the WBS courses. I sent her a Bible from here but still hope and pray we will be able to make personal contact with her soon.

We have received more requests for WBS student names from individuals in the US as well as more students from Vanuatu and PNG.
Several churches in Australia are now expanding with WBS and have asked for our help and assistance with materials and information. We are getting ready to reprint a World Wide Bible Course authored by Loyd Bixler called, "God's Grace Be With You".

Last month my company (The Last Stop Printing Service) was recognized by a local radio callin survey as the BEST SERVICE provided to the public in the retail sector. Many people refer to me as "The Mad Yank" as I do radio commercials for myself and our companies. We have shown people that life can be enjoyed and doesn't have to be dog-eat-dog in the business world. We have also been recognized as one of the fastest growing businesses in the area.

Our desire to show Christ through our lives and business is reaping more customers and business in addition to more people not being turned off to the message of Christ. Many questions have been answered and some good contacts have been made.

OUR RETURN TRIP: Kathy and Jason are scheduled to return July 5th and I will return July 19th. Kathy and I will come home to NZ on Sept 18th. We are looking forward to renewing ties with all you who have made it possible for us to be able to work here in the Lord's vineyard in the South Pacific. We will be very limited to the number of available speaking times and thus will have to ask those who desire us to speak at their congregation to please let us know now so we can begin planning. I will be sending a special letter to those congregations who presently provide work funds. We would also appreciate any additional funds which can be provided for this trip home and reporting of the WBS work and outreach in the South Pacific. These funds may be sent to our sponsor at College St church of Church in Lebanon Tenn.

WEDDING: The invitations have been printed by a family owned printshop and shipped to Terasa for mailing out. Bride price negotiations have bogged down but I'm sure Chris and I can come to some reasonable agreement. (I forgot to tell you Terasa turned 20 years old in February.)

God be with you until we next communicate.

In Christ,

the Huffs