VOLUME 4; No.4                                                                               APRIL 1981

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of the Lord

This month began the second term of our Bible Training School here in Goroka. The picture below is our current class of constituents. Last term we had eighteen, but the village church ask one of them not to return.

This term in school I am teaching Denominational Doctrines; Andy Scott is teaching a Personal Course and Wamel is teaching Pastoral Epistles. Wamel is a national who is from Bima Piau. I baptised him in 1975. He has attended the Bible School in Lae, worked with the Lae congregation for 7 months. Lae church sent him back to his village where he caught malaria and while recupurating from that he got caught in the middle of a village tribal fight. His house, gardens and everything were destroyed. During the fight he was hit in the ankle with an arrow. The wound became infected so he came back to Goroka to the hospital for treatment. He didn't have anyplace to call home now so he was sleeping in an 8 x 10 house-with over 15 other people when we I found him. The Lord has again provided. The school committee had been looking for a national teacher. Wamel, his wife and child now live on the school grounds. In additional to teaching he is the evangelist for the congregation out there.

The Bible tells us time and time again that life is full of uncertainties. That all things must die. But it really never is reality until one loses something near and dear to them. This month saw the passing of a very near and dear friend. We have had close fellowship for over thirteen long years. My cut-off shorts faded on. Even the retreads that I have had to put on over the years finally were not enough to hold them together. I will surely miss them.

Again this month we were awarded a tender for more printing equipment. We bought another small press just like the one we have, two electric typewriters, a plate makers and a photostat machine.

Pictured are the two printing presses that we are in the process of restoring for use.
The left one is the press which John Wallace has already restored.

All this additional equipment just means that we will be able to produce more literature for PNG.
The Lord continues to look after His servants. (Even though we sometimes don't deserve it.) Yesterday as I was working on a car the trunk hinge came un-done and undid 2 1/2 of my teeth. Yip right off at the gums. I was fortunate though, a couple of inches either other way and I would be blind or even dead. It wasn't even one of the teeth I have been having trouble with either. The dentist here came in after hours and removed the root in the two broken off teeth and covered the exposed nerve on the one which had cracked down the middle. He figures for about $500 I can have then capped and no worse for the wear. (How about my aching jaw bone.) So don't expect any smile pictures from me for a while. Oh, which teeth- the front ones of course!

As I write this report (3/29) Kathy isn't even here. She doesn't even know about the accident yet. She went over to West New Britain with one of our Christian sisters to see her family. She will be gone two weeks in all. I'll have her tell you about it next month. I almost forgot to mention that workers comp. insurance should cover my mouth repair.

This month will see several of the missionary families leaving PNG for the States. The Kennedys, the Herndons, the Locks and the Scotts. The Herndons are returning for health reasons and don't expect to return. God speed to you all and we look forward to your return..
Gerald: this tooth situation leaves me short on my dental-labial words. I knew you would understand.

Until next month.

God be with you.

THE Huffs