From the beginning of the Lord's work in Papua New Guinea in 1971 plans were in place for the establishment of National Bible Schools for the training of the local people. It was recognized that the Nationals of PNG were more likely to be the major contributors in the furtherance of the Gospel to the remotest parts of this wild and primitive nation.

The School of Life was formed and classes began in 1975 at the request of national brethren wanting to learn more about the Bible.

The school has experienced changes in term and day length as they experimented to find an optimum situation for training young men to preach and become leaders in the church. This has led to the system of running classes of eight blocks over 10 months with two­one week campaigns. There are three classes, a chapel period and a study period five days of the week.

The basic course of study is now over a two year period. It covers a study of Genesis to Revelation and other courses of doctrinal importance. An advanced year is additional studies and a time of practical training where the students work with congregations and put into practice the principles they have learned the first two years.

The school was renamed the "Melanesian Bible College" in the 1980's. By 1998 most of the teaching and all of the administration of the school had been taken over by National brethren.

National brethren from Vanuatu have also attended and graduated from MBC and are back in Vanuatu working in the Lord's Vineyard there.


When the Bible school was set up in 1975 it was deemed advisable to have a section for women and children. Basically this department was set up for the education of illiterates. One of the purposes of the school was to train women teachers. Another was to teach women Bible truths and help them to be better people and help them to be better help-meets for their husbands. The children's program was designed to help member's children before they enroll in public school and to teach those who are drop-outs or have never had opportunity to attend school.

The women's section of the college has helped to train Bible School teachers, literacy teachers and women who are leaders in hospital and other benevolent works. Women have been trained to be better citizens, better homemakers and better Christians.

With the decline of overseas missionary personnel the Melanesian Bible College has come under direction of National teachers and National leadership. (Is not the goal of any missionary work to make itself obsolete - to place what has been done into the hands of the National brethren? Yes, this is the goal.) With the leading and teaching in the capable hands of the local brethren we have seen the equipping and training of workers in PNG reaching a new level of growth and maturity.


With the training and leadership of MBC in the capable hands of the National brethren they still very much need our help to insure that future preachers and leaders are trained. The future beckons with a rising educational level in urban PNG. Help is needed to insure that congregations are equipped with proper leadership and that every Christian understands the responsibility of sharing the Gospel with those still outside the Body of Christ.
The help they need from us is financial.


The Melanesian Bible College is overseen by the Highland Street church of Christ in Memphis Tenn. The current funding allows the College to function but limits their ability to expend and upgrade the current facilities to meet the needs of the future.