Dear Brethren;

Greetings again in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is through Him we receive the daily strength to continue.

In our April newsletter I said we would be advertising in the National newspaper in Papua New Guinea and hoping to get some response soon thereafter. Well I sent off a letter to the missionaries there in Port Moresby and asked for their help getting the ad placed. The missionaries were in a bit of a transition with some leaving and new ones coming in and our letter was tabled and actioned in July. We thought it had been booked in May and when no requests for Correspondence Courses resulted we thought "no receptivity." WRONG- the advertisements finally appeared in the paper there July 21st and 28th. So far we have received over 300 requests for WBS courses from Papua New Guinea. The encouraging factor is that these requests are from ALL OVER PNG. From Vanimo, Kiunga, Wewak, Madang, Mt Hagen, Goroka, Lae, Port Moresby, Normanby Is., Arawa, Tufi, Popendetta, Kimbe, Rabaul, Karkar Is., Kerema, Wau, Amazon Bay, Aloutau, Bulolo, Tapini, Hoskins, Mendi, Tari, Lorengau, Panguna, Lake Kopiago, Misima Is., Siassi and many more. As I processed the addresses into the computer my mind (what little I have left) flashed back to many of these places because we have been there. I can remember the patrols into Tari and Mendi, to Kimbe etc and the many places where we did go and the many which we have not gone personally. The WBS allows us that flexibility. We are praying and ask for YOUR PRAYERS FOR THESE NEW STUDENTS. To say we were a little overwhelmed is an understatement. We have a number of people on file who have asked for students when we ran the ad, they will be sent names. We plan to send the Introductory Lesson to all the requesters. When they return the answered sheet back we will then send the First set of lessons to the students who we have not sent on to teachers there in the States. WE ARE LOOKING FOR MORE TEACHERS. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO PARTICIPATE PLEASE WRITE AND TELL US HOW MANY NAMES YOU WOULD LIKE. *Don't be shy, we have over 300 names and expect more this next week.

The WBS in Fiji is slowing down somewhat as we try to catch up on the many people who are already on the course but have not made any commitment even after finishing all three books.

The workers we have in place are finding it difficult in locating many of the students because the mail goes to Post Office boxes and the Post Office doesn't allow anyone to live in the boxes per se. Some of the students live as much as 20 miles from the mail box and are very difficult to locate. We have also had Josua move up to the Northern Island where he is settling in and following up the leads up there. Both workers are beginning to spend more time working with the local congregations, who they then use in the WBS follow-up as well. We are still receiving requests every week. Most all of these are referral because we have not advertised for several months. We have experienced a number of baptisms over the past month and many other requests have come in. PLEASE CONTINUE YOUR PRAYERS FOR THIS MINISTRY.

The Training School we were hoping to conduct in July never came about due primarily to the non readiness of the students in Fiji. We plan a major mailout prior to the School inviting everyone in the locale to attend the daily classes and then have a nightly Gospel Meeting. August through the end of the year is a hard time to schedule a School because of the sugarcane season. So we will probably have to wait until early next year. This will give up more time to lay down a solid foundation for a good School.

This Article appeared in the local paper and generated much response.

We have picked up sufficient work to allow us more funds to produce material for the churches here in NZ and also for Fiji and PNG. We are busy that is why the newsletter is somewhat later than usual. (You knew I would have some kind of excuse.) Please realize that we still need the support we are currently receiving to continue the outreach work we are striving to maintain. Funds are also being set aside for the travel to Fiji and PNG early next year for the Training Schools in conjunction with World Bible School. The funds from printing just mean we can have more to do more. Please continue your prayers for our work.

In Christ.

the Huffs