VOLUME 8; NO.7                                                                                       JULY 1985

Dear Brethren;

Greetings from the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.

This newsletter will bring to close an era which spans over ten years in our lives. This newsletter will be the last you receive from Papua New Guinea. Next month we want to review what the Lord has done thru us here in our over ten years of service.

We finally got into top gear as far as the packing goes. We were able to buy a sea container (steel box-10' x20'). Even though the box seems impressively big it soon became apparent that we would have to start weeding out less important things. The main purpose behind such a large box is that we are shifting the printing equipment to New Zealand. Over 2/3 of the box was delegated to the printing equipment and supplies. When it finally leaves here it will be full. We are also shipping our car which we will load with last minute items. New and used cars are very expensive.

Final local printing was completed by the middle of June and final clean-up began. While I was cleaning the equipment down others were putting the final printing together.

When Kathy and I went back to NZ in April we bought a new collator which we brought back and I was able to operate while running the presses here. This let me put together books and all that was needed was stapling/taping them. This also meant that when we finally left with the equipment, very little material needed to be put together. The only thing not completed as we leave are about 300 copies of the KONKODANS (Concordance-549 pages) which is being spiral bound by Jab. He will bring the binding machine with him when he and Becky go to Bible school in New Zealand in January 1986.

The following figures summarize the printing operations:
over 5,165,303 pieces of literature
42 different books 6 BBC Courses
140+ lessons (for religious instruction in local schools)
45 tracts
10 Bible class curriculum (254 lessons)

We are looking forward to renewing our friendship with you and anticipate the opportunity to show you "what in the world is going on over there". If you need to contact us for appointments we can be reached at:

2721 SALEM
JOPLIN MO. 64801 (417) 624-4016   or

2510 HWY 62

We ask for your continued prayers and support of our labors as we travel and make further plans for our move to New Zealand.
Your servants of the cross,

the Huffs