August 2, 2012

Dear Friends, Brethren and Family

Veterans doctor appointments
I still have an appointment at the endrocrinology department at the Veterans Hospital in Little Rock for September 4th (Kathy's birthday) and one more blood test to see if my tyhroid replacement medicene is working.

In regard to my kidney: I had the pelvic scan and here are the results:
Report: Technique: Serial 5 mm scans were obtained from the lung bases to the proximal femurs following administration of oral contrast only. Coronal and sagittal reconstructions are also obtained.

Comparison: None

Findings: The visualized lung bases are clear. No pleural or pericardial effusion is seen in the field of view.

Evaluation of the solid organs of the abdomen is limited without intravenous contrast. There is no gross contour abnormality of the liver, spleen, pancreas, or adrenal glands. A small 6mm calcified gallstone is noted. Within the lateral interpolar region of the right kidney, there is a 2.1 x 1.5 cm fluid attenuation cyst. There is another small cortical cyst in the lower pole of the right kidney. No ureteral calculus is identified. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis.

The stomach is mildly distended and appears grossly unremarkable. The small and large bowel loops appear grossly normal in caliber. There is no bowel obstruction. No free fluid or free air is identified. There are a few subcentimeter mesenteric lymph nodes, which are nonspecific, but most likely reactive in nature. Mild atherosclerotic calcifications are present of the infrarenal abdominal aorta without aneurysmal dilation. The urinary bladder is mildly distended and grossly unremarkable. (What is the meaning of "grossly unremarkable"???????) The prostate gland is mildly enlarged. (You think! I do have prostate cancer!)

Review of the bone windows shows 6 lumbar type vertebral bodies with probable lumbarization of Sl. There is a rightsided pars defect at Sl. The L23, L45, and L5Si disk spaces are narrowed. Small anterior osteophytes are noted at multiple levels in the lumbar spine.

1. The kidneys appear within normal limits for size. There is no evidence of hydronephrosis. Two small right simple renal cysts are noted.
2. Mildly enlarged prostate gland.
3. 6mm calcified gallstone.
4. Lumbarization of Sl with rightsided pars defect at Sl and degenerative changes of the lower lumbar spine.

I had a full body skin scan and the result was: no cancer, found a mole between my toes and just a lot of "old" age moles and such.  (My father has taken over my skin.)

Return home
We had been scheduled to return to Vanuatu August 16th but in light of one more VA test and we have not raised the funds we need to get started on building the school we have rescheduled our return home until September 20th.

Vehicle needs (repeat)
Morris Felix lost his left leg three years ago and can no longer drive because most all vehicles in Vanuatu are manual transmission. I am hoping to take an automatic transmission vehicle over to give him mobility again as well as use for ourselves with the school.

So we are looking for a donation of a medium quad cab type pickup truck with automatic transmission (Dodge Dakota SLT, Chevy Avalanche, Coronado, Toyota Tacoma etc) and a gas golf cart. If we are able to get a pickup we can load it up with stuff we will need to finish our house (laminate flooring, faucets, bathroom sink). Even if we have to buy a small truck and pay for the shipping (about $5000) it would be cheaper than buying one there (of which we have no knowledge of any automatic transmission pickup trucks).

This is our plea (still)
For forty years we have tried to share with people our dream of "Church Planting, Leadership Training and Bible Training in Oceania". Various places have demanded differing roles in our work (Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Fiji). The current location is Vanuatu and the role is still the establishment of a located Bible Training facility to train and equip brethren from the island regions of Oceania to teach and train their own language groups in the Bible and Bible living. We are not trying to establish a preacher training school. We are planning to train and equip brethren in the Bible.

The plea is: we need your help with finances to establish this facility.
#1 - You are our extended family with contacts that we do not have. You know people that we do not know. Unfortunately initial support for mission work comes not as a result of who you are and what great plans you have but who you know most times. We need you to MAKE CONTACTS FOR US, BY EITHER SETTING UP APPOINTMENTS FOR US OR SENDING US NAMES AND PHONE NUMBERS OF THE PEOPLE WHO CAN MAKE OUR PLEA A REALITY (or sending this email to your email friends). Surely most of you can do that!

#2 - Can you personally help us with a one time financial gift of $50? Can you personally help us with $25 a month for a least a year? If enough of you gave $25 per month for a year this would give us funds on a monthly basis to build monthly. Will you PLEASE? 

I have had some ask how they can help financially on a monthly basis so I have attached an Autopay form which will allow you to have funds automatically deducted from your bank account and transferred to the school bank account.  It can be stopped at any time on your part. Simply fill it out, sign it and mail it back to the addresses supplied or scan it and email it back to me.

#3 - If you cannot help personally would you ask people and/or congregations you know to help one time or monthly? PLEASE!  One time help is critical right now!

#4 - School facilities NEEDS:

(3) Prayers -

We really need your help setting up appointments to talk with people about our plans and financial needs - personally and more importantly for The Christian Institute of Biblical Studies we are building in Eton Village, Vanuatu. Please talk with the powers that be where you are and see if we can come and talk with the brethren where you meet for a one time help or monthly help. Please set it up and/or give us a name and phone number who we can call and talk with. If nothing else just for a one time appeal for funds.

Thank you so much for all of you who are praying for us, supporting us and have contributed to our needs. God bless you! We look forward to being with you soon and sharing with you what the Lord is doing through us.  Thank you for your prayers!

Your seed sowing workers in the Kingdom.

Tobey & Kathy

Contributions for Huffs and building the Bible school, vehicle and house can be sent to:

Huffs/Bible School
c/ Mt Hope church of Christ
2830 Mt Hope Rd
Webb City MO 64870

Tobey & Kathy Huff
c/ 2730 E. 24th St
Joplin. MO 64804