July - September 1994

Dear Brethren & Friends;

Greetings in the name of the Lord!

We are back to the old grind again - too much work, not enough hours. I resigned from the local congregation's leadership ministry as we are in and out so much and as we are moving back to PNG. I find it really hard to operate in the leadership role, being out all the time.

We wish to thank everyone for your love and hospitality during our recent sojourn there in the States. Especially to our families, the Cannons, the Becks, the Benders, the Carpenters, the Murfrees and the College Street family in Lebanon. It was also good to visit with David & Karen Lock and their son Chuck, and Andrew & Maggie Jackson and their three girls.

I mentioned in a previous newsletter that Kathy was thought to have asthma. We found out in the States that she has an allergy to the cold. That was why she did alright in Papua New Guinea earlier this year, but lapsed when she got back to New Zealand.

Jason is now married and the wedding was typical. Not a typical wedding, but a typical Tobey performed wedding. I asked Melinda if she would take Jason as "her wife" and then dropped her ring into the folds of her dress on the floor.

They have moved to their own apartment and are right back into their studies at Harding.

In our travels it was good to stay with Joe & Rosa Belle Cannon in Memphis. Joe is recovering very well from his heart surgery. I was able to rebuild a 184' long wooden fence for them while we were there. We also brought back two of Joe's latest books(still in manuscript form). "The Heart of the Missionary" and "Go For the Globe." We have typeset them and will be printing them and we are also reprinting his book "For Missionaries Only." Both of these new books should be required reading for all Christians. Joe has adeptly shown that the church today is in trouble because we have depended too long on what we can do and support and not what God can do and supply.
Mission work is on the back burner (if even on the stove) of most church agendas because they have failed to recognize that everyone is a missionary. " Every person with Christ in their heart is a missionary and every person without Christ in their heart is a mission field."
We are still gearing up to be back in Papua New Guinea by March 1995 and therefore are hustling to get these three books printed before we sell the printing business.

Some of our readers have not really understood our future plans. We need to explain what our plans are (Lord willing). We are selling off the commercial side of our printing service here in New Zealand because we feet that God is calling us back into a more direct involvement in the PNG work. We will be keeping some of the printing equipment - sufficient to provide some basic printing material for the Melanesian Bible College in Lac, Papua New Guinea.

After we sell off the printing service we will clear up our affairs here in New Zealand and then shift over to PNG to begin our work with the Melanesian Bible College.

We have been formally invited to come and work with the College to help them develop a strategy to better equip the church to face the ever changing future. We are looking forward to this new direction.

It is with sadness that we report that Paul Vuhu was recently expelled from the South Pacific Bible College here in NZ due to unchristian activities. He was sent back to Vanuatu the end of September. He will be given an opportunity to finish Ms studies once he has shown a new lifestyle (in about 2 years). I assisted in helping Miriam and the three children in their return by travelling with them on Oct Ist. During the four days I was there I was involved in marathon sessions of counselling with Paul, Miriam and Paul & Miriam as well as discussions with the brethren as to their involvement with this situation.

On the Sunday afternoon, the Eton brethren and I discussed at length Kathy and my role in their future training and development.

It has become more and more evident that the Vanuatu work in going to need more permanent teachers than are now available and/or being provided. Even though they still have missionaries visiting from time to time those who are being baptized are not being grounded significantly to remain strong or even grow in the Lord.

After much discussion we (the Eton brethren & myself) are going to try and have Jab Mesa visit and work in January 1995; Kathy and I will spend three months from March 1995; and Oct-thru Dec 1995 to try and have a teacher (& his family) from the Melanesian Bible College work and teach in Vanuatu.
Kathy and I will be teaching "The Christian Life" at different villages and venue for two week periods. Our teaching schedules will be regulated by the time available with the people. Our classes will be taught in Bislama, which is the native Pidgin English.

We had thought of returning to the States to raise support early in 1995. But because we were just back in August/September we have decided to go on to PNG, assess our actual needs and review our support base. This will give us a better understanding of the actual support we will need. It will also allow us to go to Vanuatu on schedule.

We know at present we will not have enough support to meet all that die needs will demand but the Lord will provide. Funds received from the sale of the commercial printing should allow us to pay off all debts and have just enough to pay for our move and settlement back into PNG and sustain us until Aug/Sept 1995. Lord willing, this we will do and then come back in Aug/Sept'95 to report and secure additional support if needed.

We are looking forward to working with MBC in the development of English curriculum. We are also looking forward to future work with the churches in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands with MBC becoming more involved with the grounding and strengthening of these churches and Christians. This will be accomplished by the training of preachers/teachers and leaders at MBC in PNG as well as practical training for students of MBC in these island congregations.. We will continue to recommend qualified men to the South Pacific Bible College in New Zealand for training in English.

Not only are we excited about the move but the brethren in PNG are eagerly awaiting our return as well.

Your prayers are very much desired for this move. If you desire to share with us financially you may do so through the College Street address.
Until our next report. God bless you!

Your servants because of the cross of Jesus Christ

the Huffs