July-September 1991

Dear Brethren and Friends;

Wow! We are back home after our current reporting trip to the USA. Over 8100 miles in the car and 16,686 miles in the air. The encouragement we received in regard to the direction we are aiming our efforts (printing and follow-up trips and schools into the islands) was heart warming. I feel that mission work as a whole is entering a new phase throughout the South Pacific. The brethren no longer need the ever presence of missionaries but they still need help in grounding and strengthening toward strong leadership and strong congregations. Lord willing we will continue to try to provide this backup from here in New Zealand with the printing and the schools.

Because of the shortness of the trip (8 weeks) it was with sadness and regret that we did not have the time to personally share with everyone the good things the Lord has been doing here in the South Pacific.

Unfortunately world evangelism has taken a back seat to other programs within the church. This does not mean that we have accomplished the task of world evangelism but means that we need to find other ways to insure that the Gospel is shared with the millions of people who continue to die without knowing about Jesus.

One means is the formal training of local national island men to then ground their own people and share with their people the saving grace found in Jesus' blood.

In conjunction with the formal training of qualified men here in New Zealand at the South Pacific Bible College, we try to hold Bible Schools with the local island churches. This strengthens the local brethren as well as training them to reach out to their own people.
We plan to continue to provide affordable printing for our brethren in Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, Tonga, Vanuatu, Fiji and Cook Islands. We also plan to continue to use the World Bible School correspondence courses to reach out into the islands and even expand to include courses on Bible books for further grounding of our brethren by extension.

Terasa graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harding University on August 16 th and got married on the 17 th. Her brother walked her down the aisle and her daddy did the ceremony. She and her husband (I started to say "new husband" but realized how dumb that read, who would want to get married to an "old husband") Chris Davis are now living in Mobile Alabama where she is going to graduate school at the University of Southern Alabama, majoring in clinical psychology. Chris graduated from Harding in May with a business degree and has started up his own business repairing and replacing windshields. Their address is: CHRIS & TERASA DAVIS, 6001 OLD SHELL ROAD, APT #C23, MOBILE ALA, 36608 ([205]343-2058)

Chris & Terasa Davis

Jason is attending Harding University as a freshman. At present he is a bit frustrated, because he doesn't have his own car. Being a single, 18 year old, male his liability insurance was going to cost him over $100 per month. He has the money from the sale of his car over here but without a job to help pay the monthly insurance, maintenance and upkeep on a car he will have to wait a while. That's fine with his mother and I as we want him to get settled into school and establish good study habits. His address is : JASON HUFF, STATION A, BOX 1155, SEARCY ARK, 72143 ([501] 279-5649)

Kathy and I left Tulsa the 18th in a driving thunder and rain storm. We arrived back home in New Zealand on the 20th of September. We were four suitcases over our limit but went through customs here without any delay or having to pay customs. Because the children are away from home now, Kathy and I hope to spend more time out in the islands in the future to ensure that our brethren are strengthened and grounded enough to go out and share the Gospel with their own people. Our telephone numbers are: OFFICE- 011-64-7-578-9241 (ph & Fax); HOME- 01164-7-576-1063.

The last Sunday we were in the States we talked with John Hall in Ashdown Ark. He helped start the work in Vanuatu and recently returned from a trip to Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands. In our discussion he asked if we could coordinate with Jab Mesa (PNG) to have him go to the Solomon Islands and work with the Christians like he did in Vanuatu earlier this year for several months. We are working on this so that the brethren can be strengthened. The brethren in Vanuatu have asked me to come there in December. Maybe we can make a swing up through the Solomons at the same time.

It was good to visit with our supporting churches and individuals but even better to be back home. Until next month God bless your work in His kingdom. Please continue your prayers for our needed work funds ($750 monthly), travel fund ($1500) and student support -($750 monthly, Jan '92-Dec'93).

In Christ,

the Huffs