VOLUME 7; NO.8                                                                              AUGUST 1984

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

This years English camp is history. During the middle week of July David Lock and I hosted the English Children's Bible camp. The facilities are limited with only one room and all the tents we could scrounge together. With our families there were 34 children in attendance, 17 boys and 17 girls. We had missionary children attend from Mt Hagen, Lae and Goroka.


We had national children in attendance from Lae and Goroka. During the morning and afternoon David taught the older kids (grade 2-6) and I taught the younger kids (K-grade 1). (I know I always relate better to my peers.) Even before we began our camp we had calls from several denominational missionaries as to whether their children could attend our camp. We had to say no this year.

I want you to know that those little rascals didn't know how to lay down and rest. The late afternoons were spent in group play; capture the flag and whiffle ball baseball. With the group games we were trying to wear them out so they would sleep quicker in the evenings, it didn't work on them (but it did on us).

We had the meals catered: Kathy and Karen cooked for us. We only heard of one complaint about the food but that person ended up gaining over 2 lbs during the week (no names, but it was the other teacher).

During the last day of camp and for two weeks afterwards I had giant hives on both of my eye lids. The only thing I can figure is that I am allergic to kids. So much for another camp,huh, Gee I tried!

With camp taking up a week during July I did not print as- much as normal(?). l was able to print over 32,000 pieces of literature.. As mentioned in last month's newsletter I bought a used printing press from Port Moresby. It finally arrived during the week I was at camp. I have now moved it into the printroom and had adjusted it ready to print. This machine has a chain delivery which will allow me to do a better job when I run the longer run jobs(1000-10,000 copies). My finger has healed after the accident save for no finger nail on the finger.

The Goroka congregation had a Gospel, Meeting during July with Andy Scott doing the preaching. We averaged 95 during the meetings. We experienced 100% response: some slept but most were attentive.

Many of you were aware that Jab and Becky Mesa were expecting their second child sometime in July. Becky delivered a baby boy the week after camp. Within 24 hours the baby had developed jaundice and was moved to the nursery. Jab and Becky named the little fellow Toby. Becky was able to come home but Toby stayed in the hospital. She had to go up every three hours and change and lookout after him. On Thursday he had blood in his urine but the nurse in charge said, "no problem" and didn't even report it to the doctor. Little Toby hemorrhaged early Sunday morning while the doctor was there but there were not able to save him. Jab and Becky took the body down to Lae when his family lives. Even from the initial shock Jab and Becky have really been steadfast in the faith.

In the New Guinea society a death such as this has many explanations. (None of which allow it into the hand of God.) Jab was to preach that Sunday morning and after talking with him he said he still wanted to preach. As I was leading the singing I gave a short lesson on the fact that there are some things that God does that we just don't understand right now. After services a couple of the women came over to Jab's house and gave their reason why Tobey had died. "You didn't love him enough."

As one who doesn't put up with any messing around I have not always been the favorite of all the local national brethren. Some of them consider me a hardnose. Just some of these brethren also came to Jab and explained the reason baby Tobey died. "You named him after Tobey and he didn't have a chance." Oh, when will they ever mature !

We have been studying Job on Sunday nights and my brethren sometimes remind me of Job's "friends".

Please remember Jab and Becky in your prayers.

As also previously mentioned in last months newsletter I entered the Goroka Open Golf Tournament. I finished up "C" grade winner but didn't get to receive my candle holders at the presentation on Sunday night as we had services only 45 minutes after I finished my round.

Our household is in full uproar with the pending arrival of Kathy's parents and another elder, Bob Wiley (who was my school principal when I was in 6th grade) from Joplin Mo..

As I sit to type this newsletter we received a call from Jason's school that someone had just stolen Jason's bike out from underneath the school. Of over 14 bikes his was the one they chose. If it wasn't for bad luck held have no luck at all.

If you can help in any way we still could use extra funds to use in the printing work as we still are short over $500 per month and with the expense of the new press.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support.

In Christ

the Huffs