July New Guinea Newsletter
Dear Brethren;
TO GOD BE THE GLORY Nine souls added to the Kingdom
July 5-16 saw the Chimbu area of the New Guinea Highlands invaded for Christ. Twenty-six Bible school boys and 11 missionaries from Lae joined us in this campaign for Christ. Nine baptisms were part of the fruit received. In 11 days we preached and taught to over 3,400 people. We went from house to house garden to garden, along the highways and the by-ways. On Wednesdays and Fridays we were able to preach at the local village markets where we had over 200 in attendance. Our brethren were strengthened and grounded in the truth during phase two of our campaign.
During the campaign we suffered only one fatality. A pig ate a bar of our Irish Spring soap we had left by our tent door. He died within 48 hours, internally clean.
We received word from one village during the week that they wanted to become Christians only. This village is related by marriage to Bima Piau where we have Christians. We drove in and saw them but we could not help them fulfill their desires. First off they didn't know enough; secondly the drive was a 4 hour gruelling test of endurance in the car (through an area which has constant tribal fighting); thirdly at present no one would be able to ground them in the faith. By God's grace we will be able to help them soon. Once we can train school boys in Lae In the Bible we will be able to have someone there to teach these people God's wore more perfectly. This call IF, not unusual we have them calling up every week.
Also at present we have two villages, close to our existing village congregations (4 hour walk), where we have Christians but at present we are not able to go and teach them or to even hold communion services on Sunday. This really bears heavy on our hearts, but we are only able to do so much. Pray that the Lord of harvest might send forth reapers.
This month also was the staging of the annual Eastern Highlands Show. This is sort of like the state fairs there back home only here the natives get dressed up, greased up and painted up for two days of sing-singing. Super fabulous! During the show footraces are held for those foolhardy enough to want to run. Mike Lock (missionary in Lae) and I entered the 1500 meters race just for kicks on Saturday and I qualified for the finals on Sunday. In the finals I was matched with 5 natives (I was the "white horse"?). I finished 4th behind three fellows who had been In cross country racing since 1973. 1 thought I did pretty good considering I hadn't run 1500 meters since 1966. Whee. First place won $60 where as fourth prize was short wind and sore legs. I'll learn someday. 70,000 people attended both days of the show some from as far away as Ohio and California.
July also saw the Now Guinea dollar (Kina) revalued 5% against world currencies. This In effect cut our monthly funds by 50$. Last month we asked for additional support from you who receive our newsletter. At present without additional support to carry on the work here we will have to begin cutting vital areas out in our programs of village evangelization. PLEASE HELP!!! If those of you who presently support us could increase your support just $10 a month this would enable us to carry out and continue our existing programs . These programs aim to establish self-supporting, self-propagating congregations, by the time we are due to return home in leave on 1977. If you would like to help on a one time only this would help also send funds to: Box 69, Kundiawa, Papua New Guinea or Box 231, Joplin Mo. 64801.
Our weekly averages were as follows: Bima Piau-55 (attendance)/$2.35 (contri.), Dumun25/$2.00; Musal-30/$1.40.
May God continue to bless your labors of love for His Kingdom sake.
In the Master's service
The Tobey Huffs
Box 69
Papua New Guinea