July 2017

Dearest Friends and family

This update is for all of you who do not follow me on Facebook.

Yesterday was the first day in my life (I can remember) that I have not had to wear corrective lens to be able to see distant objects, that was anything more than a foot from my face.

We just want to thank God for the treatment and the healing.

We live in a world of innovation and I thank God I live at this time. For someone like me with severe nearsightedness to have cataracts removed and a corrective lens inserted is no less than a miracle for me. I will have to wear readers but that is a small price to pay for the distance correction I have received.

When I left the doctor's office yesterday they said there was a bit of swelling in it and I was noticing light flashes on the peripheral. He said that was the ripple in the back of it and I was warned that I am in danger of a detached retina in it so I need to be more careful in the treatment of that eye. (Like I was thinking of taking it out in Bible Class for show and tell!)

Again for the next two weeks I am on three different eye drops four times a day, plus ointment at night, no lifting, no bending (go figure that now I keep dropping everything and go to pick it up I am not supposed to bend over) and no going outside when the wind is blowing hard, no yard work, no outside when there is grass cutting (which is everywhere) ---- so pretty much house bound (unless I have an appointment or sneak out). Not a bad plan with heat indexes over 100 here in Joplin the past week or so. I have noticed that the floaters I have in both eyes are pretty much still there. Some of them are so big I have given them names and they act like comets from time to time floating across. Albert and Alice are in my right eye and Bernie and Bonnie are in my left one. Somewhat comforting to know they did not escape during the surgery! Both are still having offsprings (which can be confused as flocks of birds from time to time which causes ducking on my part thinking something is attacking me from behind)! Keep laughing you who know of that which I speak!

I will have to wear reading glasses after all is said and done but I have had to for a long time when both of my contacts were distance. I will have to get new ones because for the past few months in Vanuatu my right eye was so weak I could see close up with out readers and gave all the readers I had in Vanuatu to people who needed them. Dollar stores have them for $1 and that is my price range!

I am still waiting for the VA on my hearing loss evaluation and have contacted Charlie David here in Missouri who has said he will get to the bottom of my lost VA medical records, my lost medal records and my other VA compensation in the VERY NEAR FUTURE. We will see but I am not holding my breath!

I asked the VA for an evaluation of my back problem (vertebra 5 & 6 show spurs and compression) and they took a bunch of x-rays and now they are scheduling physical therapy and treatment (and braces). Being summer the wait is longer with staff being on vacation.

I am still booked to go back to Vanuatu July 31st (landing in Port Vila Aug 2nd) and returning to Joplin August 17th. I plan to finish packing the container (tools go in last), things sold and the Bislama song book reprinted.

Upon my return I am to have VA surgery on August 21st for the cyst behind my left ear (unless I cut it out myself before then with the use of mirrors and a sharp knife). I have a follow-up with the cataract doctor August 22nd and after that my calender does not show any more trips to the VA until September for follow-up to my primary care team.

Our sponsor here in Joplin has been very supportive in our return and most all our supporters have expressed favorably on our request for continued support until the end of the year. Even though we do not plan to live in Vanuatu we do plan to try and visit twice a year for teaching and grounding. If we can include Fiji, Australia, New Zealand or other countries in those teaching trips that will depend on being asked. The running of the Christian Institute of Biblical Studies will still require monthly support which I pray we will be able to continue as well.

After I get back in August I will be in a better position to figure out what I will be doing with myself. Kathy and I together get just over $375 per month Social Security and I get some VA compensation, so additional income will be required. One positive to seeking employment is that I will not need insurance coverage for me because I have 100% VA coverage and Kathy has Medicare A and B. I have already been contacted by several people to do maintenance and remodeling on personal housing and rental houses. I will be looking around for employment which could be a variety of skills. I would love to teach Bible at Ozark Bible College here in Joplin, Harding or another school but will have to see if anyone wants me. We will plan to travel around and visit with our supporters as well after I get back, since we should have the time.

We will plan to travel around and visit with our supporters as well after I get back, since we should have the time. Thank you so much for your support of the work we have been involved with and we pray that you have been as blessed as we have.

If you can help financially in our move (container will cost about $7800 to ship back) and transition back to the USA we thank you so much in advance. Funds can be sent to My Hope. The address is below. If you know someone who would like to donate or sell cheaply a camper, either tow or drive I am in the market for such as it would give us something to live in on the road if situations change here with her mother.

God is good!!!!!!!!!

Onward and upward!
Thank you so much for all of you who are praying for us, supporting us and have contributed to our needs. God bless you! Thank you for your prayers and fellowship!

Thank you Lord for healing and providing what we need! Continued prayers for Kathy, especially, as she helps with her mother and her worsening dementia.

Grace & Peace
Tobey & Kathy Huff

Ph: (417) 396-6443 (NEW JOPLIN NUMBER)
Contributions for the Huffs and the Bible school can still be sent to:
Huffs/Bible School
c/ Mt Hope church of Christ
2830 Mt Hope Rd
Webb City MO 64870
Tobey & Kathy Huff
1501 Euclid Ave
Joplin MO 64801
PH (417) 396-6443