VOLUME 9; NO. 2                                                                          FEBRUARY 1986

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

"The nonsense that missionaries are a special people with special strength and unusual devotion has caused enough harm. I've never met a missionary who believes this myth, but there seems to be hardly a church member who does not."

This statement appears on a prayer card of one of my missionary friends. And I believe it. Effectual prayer of James 5:16 is the prayer for real, not imagined, needs!

How can we know these needs? Look into your own heart. Except for geography it is the heart of a missionary.
1. Pray the heart need of FAITH will be met in the missionary. "Lord, strengthen
the missionary's faith that he trust you for every need." Visible results are often slow in coming and great faith is needed when sowing the seed. Pray that he will leave all results , or lack of results, with God. 1 Corinthians 3:6
2. Pray God will grant real WISDOM. Wisdom is needed in dealing with one's spiritual children, fellow missionaries and our families. Wisdom in speech and actions is important. Incompatibility is easily the mission field's most deadly virus. James 1: 5,6.
3. Pray the missionary will have and maintain a CLEAR PICTURE of what is happening on the field. The missionary must not exaggerate "results", nor should he miss a blessing when the Lord sends it. "God grant the missionary the ability to see the spiritual impact of the Word on lives." 1 Corinthians 2:10-16
4. Pray the missionary's LOVE will increase, and that his love for the lost will not grow cold. Pray his willingness to forgive will remain active, not in word only-but also in heart. John 13:35
5. Pray the missionary will have JOY day by day. Routine often destroys this. Pray that they will never forget to laugh. It is good medicine. Pray they will never lose the joy of their calling. 1 Corinthians 7:20
6. Pray they will have PEACE, no fear at all. Jeremiah 1:8-10
7. Pray the missionary will be AT HOME in the place he is working. "Wherever you are, be all there" is good advice. Pray about that "culture shock" and language adjustment. To swing into a diet of foreign food and foreign language can create acute homesickness. Philippians 4:11,12
8. Pray for PURITY. "Lord keep the missionary pure in mind."
The field of service makes no difference. How easy to falter here. 1 Timothy 4:16
9. Pray for VICTORY. "Lord, make the missionary victorious with his own children." Our children are the greatest mission field we have. Noah was a success with his own children and was honored of God in Hebrews 11, the faith chapter.
10. Pray for TIME. "Lord, help them not to get too busy." Missionaries, as all Christians, need time for prayer and personal devotions. Missionaries either grow or deteriorate. Sadly, there are many "sour" missionaries on the field. Only the sweetness of the presence of Christ can change that. Mark 1:35

Above all, PRAY. Your prayers will produce a fruitful ministry for the missionary and growth in your life in the same areas. Your needs are real needs, so are theirs.

When we last reported to you we told you we had reapplied for visas to get into New Zealand as our first visa was denied. This additional waiting has allowed time for us to get physically recovered (I did ram a pair of scissors into the palm of my left hand several weeks ago and that has since healed). The waiting has also allowed us time to recharging of our spiritual batteries. Working in Papua New Guinea and spending so much time in the "First Principals" with the brethren we didn't always allow time for the recharging of our spiritual batteries and thus appreciate time to be with brethren here without having to be the "Spiritual Leader" all the time.

Even though we have enjoyed our stay here we are more then anxious to get back into the field there in New Zealand. We have been discussing it with the Lord and had kind of set March 1st as a deadline. Then we begin to think that maybe that would be trying the Lord as our timetable is not always his timetable. Our concern is that our supporting congregations will be patient and not stop our monthly support because we have not gone yet. I have been able to accomplish more work on the Acts commentary in Pidgin English which I hope to be able to print once I get the Printshop set back up in New Zealand. We cannot conceive that the Lord has brought us this far not to have more challenges ahead for us.

Sometimes I wonder if maybe we made a rash decision in leaving Papua New Guinea but then review why we left and look back on the things that have transpired in the meantime and realize that the Lord has been mindful of us. When I think that we had not planned to be back here until this summer and knowing that Kathy probably wouldn't be alive today if her cancer had not been detected when it was. Thank the Lord!
Please pray that the Lord grant us an additional measure of patience and wisdom as we seek to discern His will in our lives.

Jab and Becky arrived in New Zealand in January to begin their Bible studies there. As always nothing goes as planned: the congregation who was to support them called at the last minute and said that they would not be able to do so. By the time we received this news Jab and Becky had already begun their move and to cancel would have cost us substantial penalties as the airline tickets had been bought on a special advance purchase. The decision was made to go ahead and let them go and try to secure their support before we left. We are still looking for a congregation or individual who would accept this challenge of $500 per month enabling the Mesas to continue their Biblical education. We also paid their airline tickets of $1400. The Mesas are planning to return to their homeland (Papua New Guinea) after completion of their schooling.

Even the Mesa's flight to New Zealand was not without problems. When they arrived in Australia to change planes they were told by Quantas that they would not be allowed on their connecting flight as they did not have the proper visas to go into New Zealand. After much running around and with help from the brethren there the Mesas were able to get on a flight the next day but had to pay an extra $150 because the tickets they held were for a certain class and those seats were all full so they had to upgrade to another class ticket. They finally arrived in NZ and have settled in well we understand. Jab said that he and Becky have to take the back roads to the church building because the main road goes right by McDonalds and Abraham never lets them go by without stopping (that McDonalds did the same thing to me). The school also has two students from Fiji in attendance this year and Jab said they have a lot in common.

As you can see funds are still desperately needed for these additional expenses and any help you can give would be a real blessing for this work and for you. If you or your congregation would like for us to come and talk/show slides on the work we are free to do so at this time. Please call me at (417) 623-0160.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support. Remember pray with us for our visas.
In the Master's service,

the Huffs