Volume 5; No.3                                                                          MARCH 1982

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of the Lord

As reported in last month's newsletter we went to Wewak for a break and returned to Goroka in early February. The break was quickly forgotten. Upon our return I resumed teaching out at the Bible school. My class was Biblical Culture. The students had been brought in the previous weekend and Wamel was using my class period to teach his class on Acts. We arrived back on Thursday the Wallaces had left for Port Moresby on Tuesday. With the departure of John the printing work is now fully in my lap. So, with teaching in the school I am also trying to get a back load of printing out that had piled up in recent weeks. (I did see the top of the counter the other day.)


When the Wallaces left the building they were using as their house became vacant and the printing committee decided that we should shift the printroom into this building. It was reasoned that the work would continue to grow and at present we are operating in cramped space. SOOOOOOOO we moved everything ! At present everything is still in a turmoil but we should have everything sorted out by the 5th Saturday in Junvember. We really do have more space. The new building allows us to have everything under one roof. Before everything was here yonder and everywhere else.

When we arrived back from Wewak the kids had already missed a couple of days of the new school session, so we dropped them off at the school on our way back from the airport. Terasa began the 6th grade this year and Jason is in 3rd grade. This will be Terasa's last year of schooling here with face to face teaching. We do have grade 7-9 but it is done by correspondence under teacher supervision. They do the courses from Sydney. At present 1st-6th grade costs us $1500 per year per student; the 7-9th grade costs $2600. per student per year. Believe it or not they even provide pencils at this price. I am a member of both the Primary and High School, school boards.

The reason I was ask to be a member of the High School board is because I initiated the motion to begin the grades several years ago. Also I am a teacher for the High School as well. After school began I received a call from the teacher and was asked if it were possible for me to teach and supervise the High Schoolers with their woodworking class (by correspondence). Last year they did the course up at a government school but this year nobody wanted to help them out, so I said as long as it wasn't too time consuming I'd help out. I have class every Wednesday afternoon from 1:00-2.:30. I have three girls and five boys. You wouldn't believe the things they call for us to make. (Where are you Fred Austin?) In reality the exposure with the students has opened up several doors that are advantageous in our labors here. Later this year I am to hold a seminar with the students during a morning to present the Evidences that God Exists.

As mentioned in passing earlier we held another term of our Bible Training School during the month of February. We finished with 23 students. This term is our first year studies course. After a student has finished all the courses in the first year he can be recommended by the staff to attend the second year studies course. These courses are to commence during March. The school will only be for two weeks and geared to more mature subjects for the men who have shown potential in the First Year Course and who have been back in the villages working with the congregations.

During the past few months the men of the Goroka congregation have reviewed the past year and we are now currently trying to turn our recession in to progression. During March last year we had baptized our 35th babe into Christ. As of Dec we had baptized only 35. Up to date we have had 3 baptisms thus far this year. WHAT HAS HAPPENED ?

The populace of Papua New Guinea as a whole are a very transient group. The urban centers team with thousands of people who are between jobs, without jobs or just there. Even those with jobs can be transferred at any given time. The majority of our new converts have been those who are just there. During 1981 the Goroka congregation also lost several members due to job transfers. Sailas Kozo who at one time was the full time preacher here, is now in Mt Hagen helping Mel Bowman build missionary housing. Gerad Luru, a teacher at the High School transferred to Okapa (40 miles away) and has since gone back to the world. His wife is attending the Teacher's College here in Goroka but has gone back to the 7th Day Adventist church. Jab Mesa is presently doing additional schooling in Port Moresby for 8 weeks. (l am driving his bus routes.) Rex Kaupa, who has a license to drive says that his wife won't let him come (she is a Christian also). In addition to these reasons we have at present a gang problem.

The High School across the street has closed indefinitely because of terrorism by gangs who come into the dorms at night and steal and threaten the students with knives and guns. This terrorism is a constant menace after dark every night and Thursday night worship has declined because people are afraid to come out after dark.

Out at our Bible School the buildings have been broken into three times in the last month. They even broke into the food room after everyone had come to worship one Sunday morning. We reported to the police but they said they were afraid to go out into that area.
Statistics for February were: Sunday AM: 85 (35 Christians) Thursday PM: 190


the Huffs