August - September 1995

Dear Brethren and Friends;

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray that you enjoyed a pleasant summer season (Northern Hemisphere) and a mild winter (Southern Hemisphere). We have a mild season temperature wise but the humidity creates many exotic forms and strains of mildew on every thing. Even though we have mildew inhibitor containers in the closets it is a real shock to see things growing on all leather items, hats and good clothes. We will be bringing most of our good clothes and winter clothes (that we had in New Zealand) when we come back and store them.

August 7th MBC started Block 6, which is the last term of the year. We have 6 students who will be graduating and returning to their villages. I am teaching the book of Revelation this term. Again I am having to write my own notes as the file currently holds books from the Swiss Mission here which are heavily pre-millennial. With this being the last block of school the students are getting a little antsy. We have had to tell them a number of times that school is not over until the last day. The next few weeks will be very busy with final preparations, class get-togethers and cleaning up. Kevin Dye came in August and surprised MBC with a check for $14,650 which will take care of all the urgent maintenance needs which we had on a list. These funds which came from Maple Hill church of Christ in Lebanon Tn were a God-send as we had been praying about these urgent needs. Thank the Lord with us!

We will be back in the USA by the time you read this newsletter. If after you receive this newsletter I contact you it is your own fault. You have been warned. It is necessary for us to secure additional personal support to make up for the loss of support the printing service was providing. We will also be trying to raise the profile of the Melanesian Bible College in the Stateside churches as well as trying to secure additional (very much needed) support for the operations of the College. At this point I am helping MBC establish an English side to the already existing Pidgin English side. For the present as well as the future needs of MBC it is essential that additional funding be in place. We therefore are desirous of being able to speak to as many interested individuals and congregations as possible when we are there. We will be arriving September 14th (that's right 3 days before my 47th birthday) and plan to return to PNG for the new school year in late January 1996. We can be contacted at:
(417) 624-4016 (Joplin Mo) or (615) 449-0283 (Lebanon TN).

Terasa has finished her book learning for her Ph.D in Clinical Psychology and she and Chris have moved to Kentucky for her internship. Jason and Mel spent the summer working in Joplin Mo living with Kathy's mother. They are back at Harding finishing up this year.

Personal support and work funds. MBC additional funds. Workers support for Vanuatu.
Bibles for WBS student requests. Funds to help in our resettlement: Air Conditioner funds $1,500, small utility truck, computers, English song books, library books, etc .....

Thank you so much for your support. Please continue to remember us in your prayers.

In Christian service, your co-workers for the cause of Christ in the South Pacific,

the Huffs