VOLUME 8; NO.9                                                                                                               SEPTEMBER 1985

Dear Brethren;

Greetings in the name of the Lord

It has been a few weeks since the last newsletter and I apologize for that. So many things have occurred and things have been undecided that I just hadn't put type to paper to let you know. Hopefully I can bring you up to date.

One of the first things we try to do as a family is have a medical checkup when we back in the USA. We want to thank Dr. Claude Reynolds of Sulphur Springs, Texas for this super service he has provided time after time. After looking at our teeth and having me stomp my hoof three times he said I was solid as an old horse. Kathy had a mole on her right arm which had been changing. Dr. Reynolds removed the mole and sent it off to Dallas for pathology testing. We left Texas and returned to Joplin. From Joplin we drove up thru St Louis (saw the Cardinals win) and on the Jeffersonville Indiana where we renewed fellowship with our sponsoring congregation.

From Indiana we traveled to Washington D.C. and back thru Nashville where the David Lock family (former workers with us in PNG) are now working and living. By this time we had received the report from Dallas indicating "melanoma-class 3".

We drove back to Joplin where a plastic surgeon there told us that he would have to do an excession and skin graft on the affected arm. Prior to the surgery he had a complete bone - scan and blood test done to make sure the cancer had not spread from the affected arm. The tests proved negative. (prayers were already working !)

Kathy went into the hospital on a Thursday evening had her surgery on Friday morning and we brought her home Saturday morning. The surgeon had not had to do a skin graft and was able to just pull the arm together and sew it up. He also removed another mole that was prominent. Just yesterday we received the tests back from the skin and the other mole, "BOTH NEGATIVE". Prayer does work and we do thank you for your prayers you who were aware of the situation. Kathy is now recuperating and doing very well. We are hoping she heals quickly as she has a lot of dishes to wash for the $2800. hospital/doctor bill. (We didn't have insurance to cover this.)

During Kathy's recovery time we will be visiting congregations close to Joplin but we are in the process of setting up a schedule calling for us to be in Arkansas and Texas during October. If I have not contacted you by now would you please call me at: 417/624/4016 and let me know when you would like us to come. (Before the end of the year.)

The kids are in school here in Joplin and Abraham (Mesa) will be traveling with us as our live artifact from PNG.

We continue to solicit your prayers on our behalf as Kathy recovers and as we begin to travel the highways. Please thank the Father for Kathy's return of health.

Your servants because of the cross,

the Huffs

0  R work for the Lord's kingdom will only go ahead if U are involved with US.
Through your financial assistance U are part of US for the glory of the Lord