April 30, 1975

Dear Brethren;

It is hard to believe that we have been here for over two months. If I didn't have the calender in front of me with the proof I'd say, "no way".

The Lord truly has been gracious to us. He has blessed with good health and He has also blessed us with receptive hearts for His gospel.

We have been going out to the villages of Emagave and Yuana every Sunday morning. We hold "pikinini" (children) class first then hold Bible class and worship for the adults. Attendance was quite low until we implemented a new attendance recorder. We now have charts made up with the names of all those who attend services. If they come they receive a gold star beside their name. Our attendance has increased considerably by this means. At Emagave we now have in excess of 50 whereas before 15-20 was good. Yuana now has over 40 and before 15 was good. We call our pupils "star" attendees.

We are teaching people who up to now have shown no interest in the church of the Gospel.

Sometimes it can be really frustrating as you work with the villagers here. Almost none of them can read or write, though some can. You teach and teach and they fail to comprehend what you really mean. They are so much like little children mentally. We have begun buying Pidgin literacy courses for both villages and hope within the next two months to begin literacy classes at both villages to enable them to read and write. This is an area which we could use your help. Each course costs $1.50 and we need approximately 80 of these courses. If you would like to buy some let us know. Pidgin Bibles are also needed for those who can read, they cost $1.40 each. If you would like to buy some of either of these let us know.

The Pidgin work here in town is being reviewed as to how we might increase attendance and conversions. We anticipate renewed efforts among the native brethren here.

The English work continues to be strengthened. We have had some asking for forgiveness of wrongs and for prayers.

The congregation at Emagave is planning to build a new "haus lotu" (church building) since everybody has to cross a swamp to reach the existing one.

Andy Scott is moving from Goroka this month out to Watabung where he is working with a congregation. They have build him a house out of native materials. He will commute to Goroka which will be about 15 miles away. He returned from his leave in Australia engaged to be married next January. We also witnessed a baptism there last week during mid-week Bible Study.

"Taim bilong ren" (time of rain, rainy season) is almost over and we are beginning our dry season. It will only rain every other day now and the temperature will range from 29C (85F) during the day to a cold 18C (65F) at night. The absence of rain will help our roads dry up and allow us to get to places now.

April has been a very exciting month here in Papua New Guinea. We had the introduction of our own currency. We were on Australian currency, but now we are on KINA and Toea. The coins are really beautiful and feature New Guinea wildlife. The KINA coin($1) has a hole in the middle so one can put a string through it and wear it around their neck. Very practical since many here do not wear trousers.

The other and greater highlight is that the churches of Christ are officially recognized in Papua New Guinea now. (That's nice since they have been recognized in heaven since 33 AD.) This is the culmination of three years of legal work.

Some of you have written asking if there was anything we would like to have sent that we cannot get here. We will list some of these things for your consideration if you would like to send us a t "care" package sometime. Popcorn, jello, instant pudding, cheese pizza mixes, Dorito chips, Irish spring soap, frosted mini wheats, kool aid and empty plastic margarine bowls with lids. All these things should be sent surface mail which takes 2-4 months. (AirMail is expensive.) Weight limit is 44 lbs per box.

In May I will be going on an 8 day bush campaign with Joe Cannon and the Lae Bible School. The group will split into three groups and each team will preach to 5 different villages each day. We anticipate over 6,000 people hearing the gospel for the first time. This campaign will be in an area where we are thinking of working once John Wallace comes back in September

Oh, so much to say and so little space to tell you. If you want to know more, write and we will try to write back.

Please remember all the Christians here in your prayers as they continue to grow in the knowledge of our Lord.

Your servants because of the Cross of Jesus Christ.

Tobey & Kathy Huff